Penulis | The Hearabouts

Hi hello, i'm Asyraf. This blog is where i pour my ideas, my thoughts. i scribble, i write and i express. Sorry in advance if there's any hiccups here and there. Enjoy reading. May peace be upon you, upon me, upon us all. Tabarakallah, Keep calm and rock on.
| I'M BACK! |
الحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِيْ أَظْهَرَ الجَمِيْلَ وَسَتَرَ القَبِيْحَ
"Segala puji bagi Allah yang menampakkan yang baik dan menutupi yang buruk."


Sebarang pertanyaan, bolehlah dipanjangkan melalui:

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Send me sum prayers, jazakallah.